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Ember Audio Visual provides professional design and installation services for sight, sound, video surveillance, and IoT devices in both residential and commercial settings.


Location: Wichita, KS

High Touch Technologies is a software, technology, and communications company that provides services and support to all industries. They aim to bring the human touch to technology by expanding existing technology and communications capabilities while engineering dependable business solutions. High Touch is committed to fostering growth-minded, secure business development.


Location: Wichita, KS

Ideatek is a broadband service provider with the mission of “fighting for INTERNET FREEDOM™.” IdeaTek uses a unique and innovative approach to deploy scalable, long-term fiber optic infrastructures, bridging the broadband gap in rural communities. IdeaTek has long been a state and national advocate for broadband equity policy and has built nearly 4,500 miles of fiber throughout Kansas. 


Location: Buhler, KS

Integra Technologies LLC provides semiconductor production testing (wafer probe and final test), qualification, and related technical services to manufacturers and users of semiconductor devices. In business for more than 30 years, Integra serves the Fabless Semiconductor, Aerospace, Space, Military, Medical, Automotive, Industrial, and Commercial markets with our test services.



Location: Wichita, KS

Integra Technologies has taken the Veteran Hiring Pledge. This pledge denotes a commitment to actively hiring veterans, National Guard members, and Reservists, recognizing the strengths they bring to the workplace.

Keycentrix is a software and technology company. For over 40 years, Keycentrix has provided powerful and affordable software that helps Independent Retail and Mail-order Pharmacies thrive as well as best-in-class software solutions for Specialty Pharmacies with Newleaf® software, allowing pharmacies to run better, smarter, and faster while maintaining high-touch care for the communities and patients served. 


Location: Wichita, KS

Novacoast helps organizations find, create & implement solutions for a powerful security posture through advisory, engineering, development & managed services. We’ve built our unique breadth of expertise to allow us to work in wider terms than products and to approach challenges from the perspective of business goals.  


Location: Wichita, KS

Pillr provides IT Professional Services, Managed Cybersecurity Services and Product Development.


Location: Wichita, KS

TEC Systems Group provides manufacturing, mining, and processing companies with electrical, engineering, automation and software services since 1984. TEC Systems specializes in providing PLC-based solutions for industrial facilities across North America, particularly solutions for oilseed processing, industrial salt, and food and food ingredient plants.

Location: Wichita, KS

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