About Home Base Wichita

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower military-connected individuals with the tools and support to successfully transition into civilian careers. We understand the unique challenges of this transition and are here to assist every step of the way. 

Key Benefits:

  • One-on-One Job Search Assistance: Our experienced Workforce Professionals will work closely with you to develop a personalized job search strategy tailored to your skills and goals. 
  • Resume and Cover Letter Review: We provide expert guidance to help you create a compelling resume and cover letter that will stand out to potential employers. 
  • Referral to Employment Opportunities: We partner with a network of employers who are eager to hire veterans, and we can connect you with their relevant job openings.
  • On-The-Job Training Opportunities: We partner with employers who can provide on-the-job training to new veteran hires. 

Who is eligible?

  • Veterans—regardless of length of service or condition of discharge
  • Transitioning Military
  • National Guard/Reservists
  • Military Spouses (Job Search Resources only)
  • Student Veterans 

Learn more

Download our informational flyers.

Ready to get started?

Job Seeker referrals can be made here or by calling 316-771-6800.

Our Partners

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You have the experience and the advantage. Meet opportunity.

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